Croydon Minster
Croydon Minster has a long and distinguished history. It is believed to have been founded in Saxon times, although the first record of a church building is in the Domesday Book (1086)
The medieval building was severely damaged by fire in 1867, following which only the tower, south porch and outer walls remained. Under the direction of Sir George Gilbert Scott the church was rebuilt, incorporating the remains and essentially following the design of the medieval building, and was reconsecrated in 1870.
Today much of the remaining stonework on the tower dates from the 15th century, which is why Croydon Minster is Grade I listed building.
In 2020, backed by the Church of England, Croydon Minster successfully bid for a £200,000 to fund much needed repairs. Pieces of the stonework, weathered by wind, rain and frost, had begun to fracture and break off. With the surface of some of the stones becoming pitted, the fixings for things such as drain pipes were in need of attention.
Stone Edge Conservation were appointed to carry out the extensive repairs and restore Croydon Minster to its former glory.